Quick Start Guide

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  1. Install the enn_trainer package

  2. Train a neural network to solve an entity-gym environment

  3. Accelerate learning with relative positional encoding

  4. Create a hyperparameter config file

  5. Save and load a trained model and inspect its predictions


To install the enn_trainer package, run the following command:

$ pip install enn-trainer
$ pip install torch==1.12.0+cu113 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113/torch_stable.html
$ pip install torch-scatter -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.12.0+cu113.html


We are going to train a neural network to solve the TreasureHunt environment. Setting up a training script takes just a few lines of code:

from enn_trainer import TrainConfig, State, init_train_state, train
from entity_gym.examples.tutorial import TreasureHunt
import hyperstate

@hyperstate.stateful_command(TrainConfig, State, init_train_state)
def main(state_manager: hyperstate.StateManager) -> None:
    train(state_manager=state_manager, env=TreasureHunt)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Assuming you have saved the above script in a file called train.py, you can now run training with the following command:

$ python train.py

Or, if you want to force training to run on CPU:

$ python train.py cuda=false

You should see something like the following output:

  512/25000 | meanrew 1.17e-02 | explained_var  0.00 | entropy  1.39 | episodic_reward 2.50e-01 | episode_length 2.39e+01 | episodes 8 | fps 701
 1024/25000 | meanrew 7.81e-03 | explained_var  0.03 | entropy  1.38 | episodic_reward 2.00e+00 | episode_length 1.24e+02 | episodes 4 | fps 671
24064/25000 | meanrew 9.77e-03 | explained_var  0.24 | entropy  1.38 | episodic_reward 2.50e+00 | episode_length 4.96e+02 | episodes 2 | fps 720
24576/25000 | meanrew 7.81e-03 | explained_var  0.23 | entropy  1.37 | episodic_reward 1.11e+00 | episode_length 1.09e+02 | episodes 9 | fps 721

The meanrew column shows the average reward received by the agent on each step. If training is successful, you should see this value going up. The episodic_reward column shows the total reward received by the agent in each episode. For this environment, the maximum reward that can achieved is 5.0. As you can see, we’re not reaching a very high reward yet.

We can speed up training and improve the performance of the model by changing some of the hyperparameters. With the following command, you should be able to reach a reward of more than 3.0:

$ python train.py total_timesteps=100000 rollout.steps=32 rollout.num_envs=64 rollout.processes=4 optim.bs=512 optim.lr=0.005

Relative Positional Encoding

ENN Trainer implements a technique called relative positional encoding which can greatly improve performance in environments where entities have some kind of spatial relationship. We can enable relative positional encoding by setting two more hyperparameters:

$ python train.py total_timesteps=100000 rollout.steps=32 rollout.num_envs=64 rollout.processes=4 optim.bs=512 optim.lr=0.005 net.relpos_encoding.extent='[5,5]' net.relpos_encoding.position_features='["x_pos","y_pos"]'

With this configuration, you should be able to reach a reward of more than 4.5.

Config Files

With the addition of relative positional encoding, our training command is starting to get a little bit unwieldy. To simplify the command, make it easier to edit, and ensure we don’t lose our hyperparameters, we can use a config file. Create a file config.ron with the following contents in [Rusty Object Notation](https://github.com/ron-rs/ron#rusty-object-notation).

    total_timesteps: 100000,
    rollout: (
        steps: 32,
        num_envs: 64,
        processes: 4,
    optim: (
        bs: 512,
        lr: 0.005,
    net: (
        relpos_encoding: (
            extent: [5,5],
            position_features: ["x_pos","y_pos"],

We can now run the training script with the following command:

python train.py --config=config.ron


Now that know how to train a good model, we can save it for later use. To this, we just need to supply the training script with a checkpoint directory using the --checkpoint-dir command line argument:

$ python train.py --config=config.ron --checkpoint-dir=checkpoints

With this command, the training script should be saving a checkpoint to the checkpoints directory. The checkpoint will be a directory containing 4 files:

└── latest-step000000098304
    ├── config.ron
    ├── state.agent.pickle
    ├── state.optimizer.pickle
    └── state.ron

We can now load this checkpoint. Run the following code in a Python console:

from enn_trainer import load_checkpoint, RogueNetAgent
from entity_gym.env import *
checkpoint = load_checkpoint('checkpoints/latest-step000000098304')
agent = RogueNetAgent(checkpoint.state.agent)
obs = Observation(
   global_features=[0, 0],
       "Trap": [[-5, 0], [-2, 0], [0, 3], [0, -4], [0, -3]],
       "Treasure": [[2, 0]],
   actions={"move": GlobalCategoricalActionMask()},
action, predicted_return = agent.act(obs)

In my case, the agent chose to move left towards treasure, and the probability of all other actions are much lower. Since training is a stochastic process, you may get a different result:

>>> action
{'move': GlobalCategoricalAction(index=3, choice='right', probs=array([[6.1148562e-04, 1.3557974e-04, 5.6600979e-06, 9.9924737e-01]],

My agent is also very confident, predicting a return that is higher than the reward it can receive from a single treasure:

>>> predicted_return

Let’s what happens if we give the agent a somewhat more difficult task by placing some traps between the player and treasure:

>>> obs.features["Trap"] = [[-4, 0]]
>>> action, predicted_return = agent.act(obs)
>>> action
{'move': GlobalCategoricalAction(index=2, choice='left', probs=array([[7.1715019e-03, 1.7328954e-03, 9.9067581e-01, 4.1975660e-04]],
>>> predicted_return

As we might have hoped, the agent now moves toward the left. It also assigns much higher probabiliy than before to moving up or down, which would allow it to avoid the trap.

Finally, let’s use the CliRunner class to observe the agent in its natural environment:

>>> from entity_gym.runner import CliRunner
>>> from entity_gym.examples.tutorial import TreasureHunt
>>> CliRunner(TreasureHunt(), agent).run()

The CliRunner executes the environment and shows the observations and agent predictions. Simply press ENTER to accept the default action chosen by the agent and continue to the next step:

Environment: TreasureHunt
Global features: x_pos, y_pos
Entity Trap: x_pos, y_pos
Entity Treasure: x_pos, y_pos
Categorical move: up, down, left, right

Step 0
Reward: 0.0
Total: 0.0
Predicted return: 3.215e+00
Global features: x_pos=0, y_pos=0
0 Trap(x_pos=-3, y_pos=5)
1 Trap(x_pos=-1, y_pos=1)
2 Trap(x_pos=-5, y_pos=-4)
3 Trap(x_pos=3, y_pos=2)
4 Trap(x_pos=0, y_pos=3)
5 Treasure(x_pos=-5, y_pos=-1)
6 Treasure(x_pos=-3, y_pos=2)
7 Treasure(x_pos=3, y_pos=1)
8 Treasure(x_pos=-4, y_pos=3)
9 Treasure(x_pos=2, y_pos=5)
Choose move (0/up 11.3% 1/down 4.0% 2/left 16.4% 3/right 68.3%)
Step 1
Reward: 0.0
Total: 0.0
Predicted return: 3.132e+00
Global features: x_pos=1, y_pos=0
0 Trap(x_pos=-3, y_pos=5)
1 Trap(x_pos=-1, y_pos=1)
2 Trap(x_pos=-5, y_pos=-4)
3 Trap(x_pos=3, y_pos=2)
4 Trap(x_pos=0, y_pos=3)
5 Treasure(x_pos=-5, y_pos=-1)
6 Treasure(x_pos=-3, y_pos=2)
7 Treasure(x_pos=3, y_pos=1)
8 Treasure(x_pos=-4, y_pos=3)
9 Treasure(x_pos=2, y_pos=5)
Choose move (0/up 23.5% 1/down 1.0% 2/left 6.7% 3/right 68.8%)